Scribble Jot was conceived for me to express my love of fountain pens & stationery in a more technical format. I originally planned to feature pseudo reviews on my personal blog over at Elise & Thomas, but quickly found myself unsure as to the direction it was going and was hesitant when it came to posting more in-depth stationery articles.
Much like my obsession with getting things done & generally over optimizing my life, I seek out segmentation into tidy compartments with my own scribbles. On one hand I like having a place to be creative, and on the other, I want to wax poetics over the slightest differences in nib construction & feed design. This thrusts me into a quagmire as those two ideals diverge in terms of demographic and context, which led me to a temporary self-imposed censorship.
Instead of been segued into an unhappy middle ground, I opted to keep stationery posts on Elise & Thomas about the artistic/”personal” side of my love for stationery (besides posts about my life in general), and dump my more analytical thoughts about fountain pens, ink, and papeterie, on this site – Scribble Jot.
At the end of the day, regardless of the medium I use, I will end up babbling on endlessly about fountain pens & stationery to my poor wife (who isn’t an inky finger member – she’s into Papermate ball points *cringe), so I think this segmentation is the right course of action for both my readers and for Elise’s sanity, as I can focus (most of) my analytical energy here, rather than at her during dinner conversations.
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